Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June 2, 4, 5

Touching the Void proves anything is possible in the theatre ...
Anything is possible

June 2

1.  Zoom class link:  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74462406708?pwd=cWFUQkZXNU5DMFA0Yk1md21sK0IwUT09
Meeting id:  744 6240 6708
Password:  4vX5qW

2.  p. 48  What is a Void?
Have you ever had to make a really hard decision?
3.  ACTIVITY: Do you judge a book by its cover?

June 4

1.  Zoom class link:  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72701810276?pwd=RTdiMDdnQzhHN0NIdC9kek1peVkxdz09

Meeting id:  727 0181 0276
Password 1GkXAX

2.  Watch-Pair-Share p. 49

Read through the questions below then watch the trailer:

●● When do you find out the title of the film? Why do you think this is?
●● When do you find out who stars in the film?
●● Is the music important? Why? Why not?
●● What type of action from the film do you see?
●● How does the trailer end?
●● What clues can you see that help you to identify the genre of the film?
●● What sport did Joe Simpson and Simon Yates practise?
●● Write down the words that appear in the trailer. What clues do these words give you about the story?


June 5

1.  Zoom class link:

2.  Kahoot!  - General Knowledge

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