Wednesday, December 18, 2019

December 19

December 19
1.  Name:   Word association firing line     Purpose: great for loosening people up, getting them used to being spontaneous, in the moment and focusing on listening and responding without censoring themselves.

2.  A Christmas Carol (Inside Out)
      What is a glossary?
      Read text

Friday, December 6, 2019

December 10, 12, 13, 17

Subject/Verb Agreement
December 10
1.  Grammar - Subject/Verb agreement
2.  Paragraph writing: Topic sentences
December 12, 13, 17
1.  Quia Present Perfect Quiz
2.  PEE paragraphs
3.  Paragraph writing:
  • What’s the worst thing about the internet? 
  • Would you rather be very beautiful or very smart? Explain.
What is the topic of this sentence?  What is the subject? What is the verb?
Saudi Aramco, the world’s biggest oil company, owned by Saudi Arabia, broke another record this past week: the world’s biggest IPO. 

Friday, November 29, 2019

December 3, 5, 6

December 3
1.  Warm - up: Definition:  animal, mineral, vegetable
     What is Mathematics?
2.  Paragraph Review  Worksheets
     WS 1 - check answers for understanding
     WS 2

December 5
1.  Warm - up: Definition:  animal, mineral, vegetable
      What is religion?
2.  Paragraph Review  Worksheets
     WS 3
     WS 4

December 6
1.   Warm - up: Definition:  animal, mineral, vegetable
      What is NATO?
2. Paragraph Writing - In class
    Finish for homework - due December 10 at the beginning of class.
  • Should cameras on drones watch all public spaces to prevent crime, or is that a violation of privacy? 
  • Do Americans have it too easy? Why do you think that?

Thursday, November 28, 2019

November 26, 28, 29

 Image result for rabbit proof fence

November 26
1.  Warm - up: Definition:  animal, mineral, vegetable  
     What is a school?

2.  p55 Text Aii Review of Follow the Rabbit Proof Fence

November 28
1.  Warm - up: Definition:  animal, mineral, vegetable  
     What is a team?
2.   Subject-Verb agreement

3.  pp.55-56 Text Handling - interview

November 29
1.  Warm - up: Definition:  animal, mineral, vegetable  
     What is a table?
2.  Paragraph Writing  Worksheets
     WS 1 

Sunday, November 17, 2019

November 19, 21, 22

Image result for bill nye meme we are all

November 19
1.  Warm - up: Definition:  animal, mineral, vegetable  
     What is a school?

2.  Writing Assessment feedback

3.  pp 55-56  Review of Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence

Friday, November 8, 2019

November 12, 14, 15

November 12
1.  Warm - up: Definition:  animal, mineral, vegetable  
     What is a dictionary?

2.  Grammar - Present Perfect
     Negative form:

3.  Happiness unit reflection - Oral

November 14
1.  Warm - up: Definition:  animal, mineral, vegetable  
     What is a calculator?

2.  Grammar - Present Perfect

3.  New Unit - Unit 2 Migrations
    Global context: Orientation in time and space

    Key concept:  Culture
    Related concept: Context

Statement of inquiry:  Writers use narratives to orientate the reader in journeys through time and space and to describe and reflect o the experiences of the travellers.

Inquiry questions
Factual:  Who were the stolen generations?   Which cultural knowledge do the children make use of to travel across Australia?
Conceptual: How do the children use their cultural knowledge to survive the journey across Australia?  How important is it for migrant families to find a real home?
Debatable: Should children risk their lives in order to enter the USA illegally?  Is it possible for migrants to succeed in a new home?

4.  Who were the "stolen generations"? pp51-54
      -Before you read Text Ai
      -Text Ai - Forced removal
      -Text Ai - Text handling - referencing

November 15
1.  Warm - up: Definition:  animal, mineral, vegetable  
     What is a debate?

2.  Grammar - Present Perfect Continuous

3.  pp 55-56  Review of Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence

Monday, November 4, 2019

November 5, 7, 8

Image result for animal mineral vegetable

November 5
1.  Warm - up: Definition:  animal, mineral, vegetable  
10 minutes:
What is a storyboard? What is a puppy? What is a stopsign?

2.  pp.24-25 Writing skills: Cause and effect - explanation

November 7
Criterion C, D - Writing Assessment  (200-250 Words)

November 8

1.  Warm - up: Definition:  animal, mineral, vegetable  
What is a fan?  What is a smart phone? What is a book?

2.  Grammar - Present Perfect Simple  

Image result for present perfect simple

How to form the present perfect:
How to use the present perfect:

1.  Positive form:
2.  Negative form:
3.  Questions

Monday, October 21, 2019

October 22, 24, 25


ORAL PRESENTATION  - Criterion C, D   Presentation October 24

Who will you be in 2030?  pp 32-33

What will be important in your future: wealth, fulfillment, security or happiness?

Your school organizes a reunion. Imagine you meet members of your class in the year 2030. What will you say to each other?

You will carry out a role play of the conversation between the group in the year 2030. Use the table to guide the direction of the role play. I the role play discuss all the characters' life stories. You can do this by asking questions about each other's lives: their families, friends, lifestyles, homes and relationships.

October 22
1.  Grammar

2.  Prepare oral presentation

 October 24
1.  Grammar
Names of people: 
Names of places:

Oral Presentations - Who will you be in 2030?

October 25
1.  Grammar
Groups of people:
Names of things:
Names in School:
Names on the calendar:

2.  Halloween Webquest

Monday, October 14, 2019

October 15, 17, 18

 Image result for multiple intelligences

October 15
1.  5 minute warm-up   Respond to the following prompt: If you found a treasure chest buried in your garden, what would you most like to discover inside?

2.  p. 18  After you have read Text B.  Look at the list of eight kinds of intelligence. How do you see yourself.

3.  p. 19 Formative oral and interactive skills  Study the list of jobs and professions, and the kinds of intelligence they require.

In groups discuss and categorize the jobs according to the types of intelligence required.

October 17
1.  5 minute warm-up   Respond to the following prompt: If you were invisible for a day, where would you go and what would you do?
2.  Grammar:  Past Simple
Mixed Exercise 1
Mixed Exercise 2
3. p. 37 What does audio-visual Text D communicate about the themes of happiness, intelligence and fulfillment, and how is this done? (Conceptual question)

Audio-visual texts  Choose your own adventure: career!
Steven Tomlinson at TEDxTraverseCity

p.38 1. While you watch Text D
        2. Purpose of Text D - multiple-choice questions

October 18
Criterion A, D - Comprehending spoken and visual text

Friday, October 4, 2019

October 8, 10, 11

October 8
p. 12 Using your imagination and creativity
Different text types
Use your creativity to write a text about, or from, the person you imagine your self to be in the year 2030. Write 200-250 words.

Text types:
journal, diary, blog
guidelines, instructions
review (concert, book, film, or other achievement)
magazine article

October 10, 11

Image result for multiple intelligence
p. 13-18  Do we all have the same kinds of intelligence?
Text B

1.  5 minute warm-up - Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  Is it best to be an oldest sibling, middle sibling,or younger sibling?  Justify your answer.

2. Multiple Intelligence:

Sunday, September 29, 2019

October 1, 3, 4

October 1  -  Whole School Assembly

October 2 
1.  Criterion B - Comprehending Written and Visual Text

2.  Online exercises:  Past simple or Past Continuous

October 4 
Key and related concepts - Creativity and purpose

Image result for we cant make any plans. by the time we grow up, there will be professions no one has ever dreamed of. cartoon

What do you think you will be doing in the year 2030?  p. 11  Consider the questions on p. 11. Discuss your answers with a partner. Share your finding with your class.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

September 24, 26, 27

Image result for signal words for cause and effect
September 24, 26, 27
1. 5 minute warm-up - Respond to the following prompt in your journal: Which three foods best describe your personality?
2.  Grammar:
3.  Formative writing activity - Cause and effect - what makes you happy? pp 9-10 
Do you agree with the list in the article? Create your own personal list of 10 things that can make you happy. Share your ideas with others. Create your own personal advice column for a school magazine. The title could be:  "How to be happy", or something similar. Write 200-250 words. 

September 26 
1. 5 minute warm-up - Respond to the following prompt in your journal: What is courage? 

September 27
1. 5 minute warm-up - Respond to the following prompt in your journal: What would you do if 300 mice had just gotten out of their cages in a pet shop where you worked?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

September 17, 19, 20

September 17, 19
1. 5 minute warm-upRespond to the following prompt in your journal: Describe yourself in five sentences.
2.  Grammar worksheet -  Present Continuous (I am doing)
3.  p 7 -8   Wycliffe and friends    Create a role play in which one person plays Wycliffe, an unhappy teenager, and the rest of the group offers advice. 

September 20
1. 5 minute warm-upRespond to the following prompt in your journal: Five things you can't live without. Why?
2.  Grammar
3.  Peace Day activitiesImage result for peace one day

    a.  Peace One Day -   What is it?

    b.  Kids for peace

   c.  Pinwheels for peace

Monday, September 9, 2019

September 10, 12, 13

Image result for anatomy of a teenager's brain cartoon

September 10
1. 5 minute warm-upRespond to the following prompt in your journal:  “The hardest part about being ME is ______.”  Explain, include details.

2.  pp 4-5 Reading  Text A 15 tips for teens to lead happier lives by Vanessa Van Petten

3.  Text A:  Text Handling 

September 12, 13
1. Sept 12:  5 minute warm-upRespond to the following prompt in your journal: Close your eyes and imagine the most relaxing place possible. Where is this place? Describe how it looks, feels and smells. Is this a real place?

 Sept 13:  5 minute warm-upRespond to the following prompt in your journal: What does responsibility mean to you? Then write about what you feel responsible for.

2.  Text A:  Text Handling

 3. Formative oral and interactive skills – role play
p 7 -8   Wycliffe and friends    Create a role play in which one person plays Wycliffe, an unhappy teenager, and the rest of the group offers advice.

September 17
1. 5 minute warm-upRespond to the following prompt in your journal: Describe yourself in five sentences.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

September 3, 5, 6
September 3
1.  Welcome to Year 10 English Language Acquisition Capable
My name is Ms. Dietrich and I will be your instructor this year.

The book we will be using is:  MYP English - A concept-based approach      Language acquisition   Phase 4
Unfortunately, we won't be able to keep the books in our classroom as we won't be stationary. Remember to bring the book with you to class.

2.  English Notebook
3.  Discuss "Capable" Rubrics
4. What you can expect to find in your LA classes: 5 minute warm-ups (example - Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten.)  You will keep your journal in class, so it's always here when we need it.
ATL  (Approaches to Learning) skills
Online exercises

Unit 1 - Happiness and fulfillment
Global context: Identities and relationships    Who am I?  Who are we?
In this unit we will explore: identity; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships, including families, friends, communities and cultures; what it means to be human.
Key concept: Creativity
Creativity is the process of generating new ideas and points of view. In this unit, we shall look at some creative suggestions for achieving happiness and measuring intelligence. However, creativity also includes the ability to evaluate ideas: to see their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, we will also need to make judgments about the ideas we encounter and come to conclusions about them.
Related concept: Purpose
The purpose for communicating can be, for example, to entertain, to recount, to socialize, to inquire, to inform, to persuade, to explain, to instruct. In literary terms, this means the creator's intentions in producing the text. In this chapter you will explore ideas such as meaning, thesis, argument, bias, persuasive techniques, function and opinions.
Statement of inquiry:
We can first use language to describe and define happiness and intelligence and only then can we work towards a fulfilling personal future in a global context.

Can you name the tenses??? Take the quiz and find out.

September 5
1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  Do you believe that wishes come true?
2.  Grammar - Verb tenses (action words)
     Present Simple:
     Present simple adding s or es
    Present simple s or es exercise

3. What makes teenagers happy?  (factual question)
Before we begin this unit, think about what you already know and believe about the topic of happiness.  Look at this picture of a group of happy teenagers.  Discuss the diagram and make a list of answers to the five questions below:

ATL:  Social and Thinking Skills
1.  What effect does you being happy have on others?
2.  What are the things that make you happy?
3.  By contrast, what are the things that make you unhappy?
4.  What effect does being happy have on you?
5.  What is happiness?

As you answer each question, make a list of points on which you all agree and points on which you disagree.

Discuss this question: "Does happiness mean the same thing to everyone?"

Give reasons for your answers.

September 6 
1. 5 minute warm-up: Respond to the following prompt in your journal:  What is your favorite time of day? Why?
2. Grammar  Present simple quiz
3.  pp 4-5 Reading  Text A 15 tips for teens to lead happier lives by Vanessa Van Petten
4.  Text A:  Text Handling