Monday, February 17, 2020

February 18, 20, 21

Image result for definite article and indefinite article

February 18
1. Relative Clause Criterion D Quiz
2. Feedback on in-class writing exercise

HOMEWORK - Articles: a, an, the, no article - Due February 20
Study the explanation:
Do the exercises:

February 20
Criterion C, D  Writing Assessment

HOMEWORK:  Articles Definite and Indefinite - Due Feb 21 (exercise 1215, 1217)

February 21
pp 77-81 The House on Mango Street
Read the text, answer the questions on pp 80-81

Monday, February 10, 2020

February 11, 13, 14

February 11

Image result for ethnocentrism 101 
p. 70  Read the text
Answer the questions:
1.  Which chicken is on the other side of the road?
2.  What does the picture teach us about context and point of view?
3.  How does the cartoon show how different cultures view things differently?
4.  What is the meaning and significance of the title of the cartoon?
HOMEWORK: Relative clause
Due  2-13

February 13, 14

Blog Post - Formative writing activity
pp 83-84 Study the picture of the young migrant couple in their one-room home. Would you like to live like that?

It has come to your attention that migrants to your city are living in very poor accommodation. Write an opinion piece consisting of 200-25 words about this issue for your blog.

Use the template on p. 84

HOMEWORK: Relative clause -  Due Friday February 14

HOMEWORK: Relative clause Due Tuesday February 18

Thursday, February 6, 2020

February 2, 6, 7 Parent Teacher's Meetings all day

February 2
Relative Clauses Unit 93

p. 68 Key and Related concepts
surface culture and deep culture

February 6
Relative Clauses Unit 94

p.70 Context
Image result for ethnocentrism 101 
Read the text
Answer the questions:
1.  Which chicken is on the other side of the road?
2.  What does the picture teach us about context and point of view?
3.  How does the cartoon show how different cultures view things differently?
4.  What is the meaning and significance of the title of the cartoon?

February 7
Parent Teacher's Meetings all day