June 16, 18, 19
1. Tuesday - Zoom class link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73980302204?pwd=SUV6TVliSWtMT3lJZzhET1J1cGtpQT09
1. Thursday - Zoom class link:
Wednesday Zoom meeting link:
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71260288539?pwd=M25ZcXVZSnJ6UUxHTHdvSkhMb0ZlQT09Meeting id: 712 6028 8539
Password: 8RQciP
1. Friday - Zoom class link:
Meeting id: 725 9397 0798
Password: 6T9i4i
2. ACTIVITY: A Question of Survival? https://www.hoddereducation.co.uk/media/Documents/International/MYP%20By%20Concept/9781471880674-EnglishMYP3_Sample_ONLINE.pdf
3. Let's watch the video and then answer the questions:
Touching the Void video (1:46): http://www.documentarytube.com/videos/touching-the-void
Tuesday June 16 - watch 30 minutes of the video
Thursday June 18 - watch 30 minutes of the video
Friday June 19 - watch 30 minutes of the video
Tuesday June 23 - finish watching the video and discussion
Thursday June 24 - discussion of video
Discussion Questions:
●● Describe the weather conditions the climbers face in the video.
●● What words or phrases in Joe’s account bring out most vividly his thoughts and feelings?
●● Why did Simon decide to use his penknife to cut the rope?
●● Evaluate if he made the right decision. Would you have done the same?
●● What words or phrases in Simon’s account show most clearly the difficult decision he faces? Explain carefully the reasons for your choices.
●● Interpret how Simon felt after he decided to cut the rope.
●● How did you feel when you saw the rope had been cut?
●● Have you ever had an experience that really frightened you?
●● Can you remember a time when you had to make a really difficult decision?
●● Write about an adventure in your life that went wrong. What challenges did you face? If something went wrong again, would you do things differently?
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