May 5
1. Zoom class meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73451707252?pwd=a2tPZ0F5QW1MMTAxZTdwN3NOc28zZz09
2. Criterion A - Comprehending visual and spoken text
The video link is as follows:
Manuel I have emailed you the text. Please complete and return to me.
May 7 - New Unit
1. Zoom class link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75191641955?pwd=S2ZCZlJqM09rVjZIVitLbCthWXE5UT09
2. How can we overcome difficult challenges?
Global Context: Identities and Relationships
Key Concept: Communication
Related Concepts: Point of view; Empathy
Statement of Inquiry: Our identity is affected by the relationships we form; building relationships requires good communication and empathy for others’ points of view.
Inquiry Questions
Factual: What is a leader? What is a void?
Conceptual: What is leadership? What does it mean to be a risk-taker? How do you develop leadership skills?
Debatable: When in your life do you feel it is important to take risks? What does it mean to be a leader?
● Find out why some people take risks and engage in extreme activities by looking at Touching the Void by Joe Simpson.
● Explore different leadership styles.
● Take action by developing our understanding of leadership, learning new skills and growing in confidence as young leaders.
adventure, extreme, fatal, gear, hazard, injuries, interview, leaders, obstacles, rescue, risk, thrill
3. ACTIVITY - Think Pair Share
a. consider the quotes
b. answer the questions in your notebook
c. class discussion
May 8
1. Zoom class link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73259290092?pwd=dlFKRUNrMkQxam05WFJsaHNtd0oxZz09
2. Leadership, read page 42
3. Watch this video on Leadership
First Followers
Do you agree with the assertion:" The first follower transforms a lone nut into a leader "?
4. Is yesterday's classwork in your folder?????
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