Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 19, 21, 22

May 19
1.  Zoom class:  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73362033149?pwd=Wk1YRi9XbWtVVGxBbXR5RmNqQWUwZz09

2.  pp 45-46 Interviewing techniques

3.  What is a fact file? fact sheet, factsheet, fact file or (in some industries) one sheet is a presentation of information and data in a format which emphasizes key points concisely, usually using tables, bullet points and/or headings, on a single printed page.

Watch this video for more info:

Fact File Examples

May 21
1.  Zoom link:
2.  Conduct research about a sport. The information will be used on May 22 to

May 22
1.  Zoom link:   https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76095252318?pwd=ZVQ2V3hVeExvS3ZKc3BFblBiSEttZz09
2.  Criterion C, D - Writing Assessment:  Fact File

Criterion C - Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text
i. respond appropriately to spoken, written and visual text
ii. engage in rehearsed and unrehearsed exchanges to share ideas on topics of personal and global significance
iii. express ideas and feelings, and communicate information in simple and complex texts
iv. communicate with a sense of audience and purpose.

Criterion D -  Using language in spoken and written form
i. write and speak using a range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions; when speaking, use clear pronunciation and intonation
ii. organize information and ideas into a structured text; use a wide range of cohesive devices
iii. use language to suit the context.

TASK:  200-250 Words

Write a factfile about a sport (200-250 words). You can include the following: a general description of the sport, when, where and how it started, what equipment people use now, safety, where/how to learn, fun facts, or other information that you think would make your factfile interesting.   

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