Friday, June 22, 2018

June 27, 28, 29

June 27
1) Present your video and outline to the class

June 28
1) Improv game:  I'm Cool And So Are You IF . . .

2.  Improv game:  Whoosh, Bang, Pow

3.  Improv game:  Word association firing line

June 29

Image result for what if everybody looked the same? 

2) New unit - What if everybody looked the same?
3)What is beauty?
Does it matter what we look like? pp. 94-95
Activity:  Defining beauty
    a.  In pairs agree on a definition of beauty and write it down
    b.  Watch the video and discuss the questions

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

June 15, 20, 21

Image result for how to understand power 

June 15, 20, 21, 22

1) Watch video
2) Create outline
3) Class review outline
4) Research another Ted Ed video to analyze and outline
5) Present your video and outline to the class

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

June 6, 7 (Oeiras holiday), 8 (no school)

June 6
pp 237-238   Are you a global citizen? 

Image result for global citizenship

June 7, 8
Enjoy your long weekend

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May 30, 31 (national holiday), June 1 (no school)

Image result for global citizenship
May 30 
Formative written activity - essay   What is a global citizen?
 p. 235-236 Use the table to organize your ideas to write an essay.

Thesis Statement:  A global citizen is a person who shares their knowledge, skills, and values to make the world a better place.

HOMEWORK:  Gerunds and Infinitives - Part 2     exercises 11-13
May 31, June 1  - holidays
Enjoy your long weekend

Model essays

Friday, May 18, 2018

May 23, 24, 25

May 23
p. 231-233
While you read the text
Text A
Text A: Text handling
   1)  missing words

HOMEWORK:  Gerunds and infinitives
Exercises 1-3

May 24
Text A:  Text handling
    #2)  Finding words with similar meaning
 ATL Research and thinking skills:  In your notebook answer the following
    1) Look up the meaning of the word "philanthropy"
    2) Find an example of philanthropy:
            - within your school
            - within your community.
     3) There is a saying in English:  "Charity begins at home."
            - What does that mean?
            - Do you have a similar saying in your language and culture?
     4) Do you think that money spent on philanthropy outside your school community would be better spent making your own school better and helping students within your own school?  Why or Why not? Explain, include details.

HOMEWORK:  Gerunds and infinitives
Exercises 4-6
May 25
1) Formative on-line quiz:  Modal Verbs

2) Formative oral and interactive skills - negotiation
Discussion:  What is global citizenship?
Complete exercise on p. 234         

HOMEWORK:  Gerunds and infinitives
Exercises 7-10

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

May 16, 17, 18

Image result for global citizenship
May 16
Review Criterion B - reading test
Choose next unit

May 17
New Unit - Global Citizenship
1) 5 minute  WARM  UP  -  Yesterday, I wish I had...
Write in your notebook
2) Introduction

May 18
3) What is Global Citizenship?
     p. 231 - Before your read Text A

Image result for global citizenship poster

What is the poster's message?
To whom is the poster aimed?
How is the poster connected to the idea of global citizenship?

Homework:  Modal Verbs
1. (Couldn't, might not)
2. (Have got to , Had Better , May and Shall) 
3. (Could , Might , Should and Would )

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

May 9, 10 Eurovision Field Trip, 11

Image result for would you survive on mars quiz

May 9
1.   5 minute  WARM  UP  -  Yesterday, I wish I had...
Write in your notebook

2.  Survival Quiz -

ATL Social an communication skills:  Work in groups
    p. 212 "Would your group survive on Mars?"

Image result for would your group survive on mars?

  Work in groups of three or four. Look at the photograph and think about the questions, "Would your group survive on Mars?"

What personal qualitites would you need to survive alone on the Red Planet for a week?  Discuss the question and make a list. Organize your suggestions into different catagories such as physical qualities, social skills, and so on.

Modal Verbs - (explanation)
       1. (can     could     have to     must     might     should)
       2. (must     have to) 
       3. (might, must, should, could, have to and ought to) 

May 10
Eurovision Field Trip

May 11
Criterion C, D - Writing Assessment 

 Modal Verbs (explanation)
        4.  (couldn't   might not)   
        5. (may   had better    have got to    shall)


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May 2, 3, 4

Image result for movie reviews

May 2
1.  Review homework
2.  p. 210 Finding words with similar meaning
3.  p. 210 ATL - Social and thinking skills Activity

HOMEWORK:  After you have read Text C   - Point of View
answer the multiple-choice questions

Manuel, Jiaxing, Henrique, Apple and Diogo (absent Friday), Alex (Absent Friday) complete homework from last week.

May 3, 4
Formative writing activity:  Review
Write a review of an adventure, science fiction or fantasy film that you have seen recently.  Write 200-250 words.

May 3:  HOMEWORK:  Entertaining Films Vocabulary

Thursday, April 26, 2018

April 25, 26, 27

Image result for the martian
April 25 - National holiday

April 26
Complete film worksheet

Worksheet - links to help
Analysis of the film  The Martian
The Martian - themes:
Analysis of the film The Martian:
12 Camera Angles for actors:

April 27 
What can a science fiction film tech us about human behaviour? (Conceptual question)
1.   Before you read - focusing discussion
2.   The Martial movie review
3.  True or False?  The sentences below about Text C are either true or false. Tick your answer then justify your answer with a relevant brief quotation from the text.

HOMEWORK:  Finish True or False?  We started this in class. Please finish it for homework.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April 18, 19, 20

Image result for the martian 

Vocabulary Lists - So You're Going to Mars   (20 Word, Activities)
     (you might need to sign up and join this site)

April 18, 19
Watch film

April 20
Film Study Worksheet 



Tuesday, April 3, 2018

April 11, 12, 13

April 11
1.  Vocabulary matching game (above)
2.  Reread Text A - On a one-way ticket to Mars (pp. 192-193)
3.  Formative oral and interactive skills:  Discussion  p. 195
     Read the statements, rate the arguments

April 12, 13
Formative writing activity - reasoned argument
p. 196. Do you think that the Mars One project is sensible or not?
Use the chart to help you plan your essay.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 14, 15, 16

Image result for life on mars words

March 14
Life on Mars

Global context:  Scientific and technical innovation
Key concept: Creativity
Related concept:  Point of view

Statement of inquiry - Language used to describe our adventures in science can tell us as much about human behaviour as about science.

Inquiry questions:
   Why do people want to go to Mars?
   Why shouldn't people go to Mars?
   What can a science fiction film teach us about human behaviour?
   Is it right to send astronauts to Mars?
   Can a science fiction film be both realistic as science and convincing as a story of human behaviour?

March 15

Criterion B - Reading comprehension

March 16
Why do people want to live on Mars?

What do you already know about space exploration? Would the money spent on space exploration be better spend solving the problems we have here on Earth?

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 7, 8, 9

March 7, 8, 9
Round table discussions  with peer assessment.

Image result for peer assessment

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February 28, March 1, 2

Image result for round table discussion

February 28
Continue with presentation planning

March 1, 2
Round table discussion  -  Peer Assessment

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

February 21, 22, 23

Image result for migrations

February 21
Reading p. 91   The story of Daniel Penedo Zavala.

February 22
Research a topic/case study to present in a round table discussion

February 23

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

February 7, 8, 9
February 7, 8
pp. 75-76 Formative written activity
Use the ideas, information and the chart on p. 76 to create a context for the photograph.

How to write an opinion piece for a school newspaper

February 9
Kahoots (student made)

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January 31, February 1, 2

January 31

Discussion/lesson led by Ms. Stewart

February 1
1) Find an article or video online regarding our topic of "migrations" that you would like to share with your classmates.
2) In pairs create a quiz with 10 questions on the article or video. 

*Remember   Some keywords that might aid you are: Modern Day Migrations, Contemporary Migrations, Modern Day Forced Migrations

February 2

February 7
pp. 75-76 Formative written activity
Use the ideas, information and the chart on p. 76 to create a context for the photograph.

How to write an opinion piece for a school newspaper

January 23, 24, 25
January 23
p. 70 ATL - Social and research skills
Work in groups to research and find answers to the questions.  Write the answers in your notebook.

p. 71 Thinking about culture and context
Study the picture and answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.

p. 72 ATL Research and thinking skills
 Study the picture and answer the questions.

January 24

pp. 73-74 Formative oral and interactive skills - Interview
 Two question types,
 Formative oral and interactive activity

HOMEWORK:  ATL - Thinking skills Answer the questions in your notebook

January 24
 Story teller - Covered area

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

January 17, 18, 19

January 17
Key and Related concepts  - Culture
p. 68   Surface culture - Deep culture
Think about Molly and her sisters. What is the surface culture that you can observe?

What is the deep culture by which the girls live?

January 18, 19
p. 69  Degrees of intercultural awareness
Look at the quote. Do you agree?

p. 70 ATL - Social and research skills
Work in groups to research and find answers to the questions.

p. 71 Thinking about culture and context
Study the picture and answer the questions

 p. 72 ATL Research and thinking skills
 Study the picture and answer the questions.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

January 10, 11, 12
January 10, 11
Formative written activity: opinion piece: pp 57-58  make notes on your thoughts and opinions
Planning and scaffolding - structure:  p 59  TASK: Write an opinion colume of 200-250 words for your school newspaper.

HOMEWORK:  Continue classroom work

January 12
Criterion B Assessment - Reading Comprehension

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January 4, 5 (Welcome to 2018)

January 4, 5

Formative written activity - opinion piece
pp 57-58 Before you write